Roll up your sleeves and find out how to make delicious and unique steamed snails with pepper to treat your family on the weekend.

Post date: 16-12-2023

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How to make steamed snails with pepper in detailed steps
a. Ingredient
  Snail: 500g
- 2 lemongrass plants
- 2 buffalo horn peppers
- Black pepper 1 teaspoon
- Spices: fish sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, ground pepper
Steamed snails with fragrant and spicy pepper are a rustic dish rich in country flavor.
Note how to choose fresh snails
- First, like other snails, the first thing to choose for fresh snails is to choose live snails. To know if a snail is alive is when we use our hands to touch and grind the snail and if it closes tightly, it means the snail is alive.
- In addition, live snails will only have a slight smell of mud and usually do not smell bad, but dead snails will have a very unpleasant smell.
- After buying the snails, put them in a basin of water and notice if the spiral part of the snail turns up and is quite light, then take those snails out.
- You should choose fat screws as well as screws that are ground close to the outside edge of the shell. Because snails that grind away from the edge are usually sick snails and are often not delicious.
b. Making
Step 1: Preliminary processing
- After buying, you should soak the snails for about 1-2 hours in a metal pot. If you don't have metal, you can put some metal tools in to soak together such as knives and forks. The reason we have to do that is because normally, when snails encounter metal, they will release all the dirty mud. obcfood
- The type of water we should use is rice water which will help us remove mud from snails faster. If we don't have rice water, we can cut chili into the soaking water instead. Additionally, you can soak the snails in a mixture of lemon, vinegar and chili to help the snails release all the dirty mud.
- Next, thinly slice the chili and lemongrass, and crush the pepper into small pieces.
- Mix a mixture of sugar, pepper, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, and water and mix well to make the snail steaming water more flavorful.
Steamed snails with sweet and chewy snail meat absorb the aroma of pepper, eliminating the smell of mud, giving you a delicious dish.
Step 2: Steam snails
- Turn on the stove and put the mixture into the pot and cook over medium heat. Then we put the snails in the pot and mix well with the above mixture so that the snails can absorb the spices.
- Next, add the prepared lemongrass and chili to the pot above. Then continue to mix well then continue cooking for about 15 minutes until the snails will be cooked.
2. How to make steamed snail dipping sauce with pepper
The dipping sauce is the soul of the dish, especially with snails, it is even more important. The better the dipping sauce, the more it will enhance the dish. With steamed snails with pepper, you just need to mix a little sweet and sour dipping sauce, blending all the flavors of ginger and garlic, sourness of lemon, and spicy chili.
- Put 2 spoons of delicious fish sauce into the bowl. Add a little lemongrass, a little sugar, ginger and garlic, lime leaves and kumquat and mix well. Add hot chili according to your preference.
- Scrape off the ginger skin, crush and chop. Wash the chili peppers and cut them into small pieces. Peel the garlic and chop it finely. Use the handle of a knife to crush the lemongrass and cut it into small pieces.
- Wash lemon leaves and cut into small strips.
- Dissolve 3 tablespoons of fish sauce, 3 teaspoons of white sugar, 2 tablespoons of cooled boiling water.
- Add ginger, minced garlic, chili, 1 tablespoon of broth into a bowl of fish sauce, stir well.
- Finally, add chopped lemongrass and lime leaves to the bowl of snail dipping sauce and you can use it. Fish sauce for dipping snails has a sour, spicy, sweet and salty taste and is fragrant with ginger, lemongrass and lemon leaf essential oil, very attractive.
The dipping sauce determines the success or failure of delicious snail dishes. Depending on your family's taste, you can adjust the seasoning to make the snail dipping sauce more palatable
On weekends while staying at home or on rainy days, go to the kitchen and make irresistibly delicious steamed snails with pepper for the whole family to enjoy.
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