Follow the instructions below, in just about 30 minutes you will have prepared a delicious stuffed snail dish to enjoy with your family and friends! Although it is famous, stuffed snails are actually not very complicated to make. Even at home, you can still prepare these delicious Vietnamese dishes quickly obcfood

Post date: 16-12-2023

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Ingredients for Stuffed Snails obcfood
1 kg of snails
150 grams of lean tenderloin meat
150 grams of raw sausage
150 grams of lemongrass
100 grams of garlic and dried onions
8 chili peppers
1 small branch of fresh ginger
1 fresh lemon
Raw vegetables served with: 2 star fruits, 2 bananas, herbs, perilla
Spices: Seasoning powder, fish sauce, sugar, MSG, chili powder, pepper powder
Steps to Make Stuffed Snails
Process materials  obcfood
– Lemongrass: Wash, separate the 2 outer layers and set aside. The remaining half is chopped finely and the other half is cut into 3 cm long pieces and crushed.
– Fresh ginger: Peel, wash, then crush half and leave half intact.
– Chili peppers: Wash, crush 3, and slice the remaining 2.
– Garlic and dried onions: Peel off the outer layer, chop all the onions and 2/3 of the garlic. Keep the remaining 1/3 of the garlic intact.
– Lemon leaves: Wash and drain.
– Snails: After buying, soak them in rice water mixed with 3 crushed chili peppers for about 1-2 hours to release all the dirt. Next, wash the snails several times with water, then take them out into a basket to drain. Then, put it in the pot and boil it with a small piece of ginger, crushed lemongrass, all the lemon leaves and 1 teaspoon of seasoning powder. When the snail is cooked, scoop out the snail meat, take the head, chop it finely and remove the tail. Keep the snail shells and wash them.
– Lean tenderloin: Wash and puree.
– Fresh lemon: Cut in half, squeeze the juice and remove the seeds.
– Vegetables served with: Herbs, perilla, picked young leaves. Wash starfruit and green bananas. After that, put everything in a bowl of salt water to soak for about 10 - 15 minutes, then take the herbs and perilla into the basket to drain, and slice the star fruit and green banana into thin slices.
Cooking Stuffed Snails
Step 1: Put all the ingredients below in a bowl, mix well and leave for 30 minutes: 500 grams of minced lean meat, 150 grams of raw sausage, chopped snail meat, 100 grams of dried onions, garlic minced meat, 2 spoons of seasoning powder, 1 spoon of MSG, 1 spoon of fish sauce, ½ spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of chili powder and 1 spoon of pepper powder.
Step 2: Peel off the lemongrass peel, fold it in half and put it in a snail shell. Then, stuff the snail's mouth with the mixture from step 1. Use sliced red peppers to decorate the top. Proceed until all the snail shells and mixture in step 1 are gone, then put in the steamer to cook.
Step 3: Put the remaining garlic, ginger and 3 chili peppers along with 1 teaspoon of sugar into the mortar and pound finely. Then, add 4 spoons of fish sauce, 1 spoon of lemon juice and mix well to make fish sauce to serve.
A bowl of delicious dipping sauce will help make stuffed snails more delicious
Coming here, you just need to wait for the snails to cook then bring them out and enjoy with your family. It's simple and fast, right?


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