Post date: 06-12-2023

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Jute vegetables
Jute is one of the vegetables that contains a lot of iron, mineral salts and vitamins. Because of its high cooling properties, benign properties and unique sweet taste, jute vegetables are often used to prepare soups in the summer such as jute crab soup, jute shrimp soup,...
The difference between jute and other vegetables is its viscosity. Just pull off a few leaves and rub them together and your hands will feel very slippery and slimy.
Besides being food, this tree can also be used to make rope (stem), paper, medicinal herbs and many other products.
There are two types of jute: white jute (green stem) and red jute (purple-red stem). Jute vegetables are very easy to grow and harvest, so you can absolutely grow them at home to harvest for food.
Uses of jute: helps laxative, treats constipation, good for the heart, clears heat, detoxifies the body, increases milk for pregnant mothers, prevents rickets, good for children who are weaning, helps diuretic, Preventing urinary tract infections, helping with first aid for wounds, treating snake bites, helping with anti-inflammatory, anti-asthma, preventing anemia
Vegetable spinach
There are two types of spinach, white and purple, but the purple type is considered better.
In spinach there are substances such as: Vitamin C, A, PP, B1, B2; Pectin; Saponins; Polysaccharide; Starch; Protein and fat; calcium; Iron; Water and Folate are very good for the human body and rich in nutrients.
Malabar spinach is known to be a vegetable loved by many people because of its delicious taste and can be processed into many attractive dishes. You can grow spinach in simple foam containers at home.
After sowing the seeds, water once a day because if the soil is dry, the plants will germinate unevenly and after 5 days, the spinach plants will begin to sprout.
In order for the spinach plant to grow well, healthy and green, you should keep it in a sunny place. And after 10 days, you can prune the plants into separate pots for planting.
You should regularly check spinach to remove yellow or waterlogged leaves to avoid spreading the condition.
The Malabar spinach trees are grown lush, healthy with a lush green color. After about 10 days, spinach can be harvested.
Therapeutic uses: Treat hemorrhoids, Increase milk supply for pregnant women after giving birth, Treat swollen nipples, Clear heat, detoxify, treat constipation, Treat wounds, treat bone and joint pain, Reduce fat, cholesterol, Treat diarrhea nosebleed, Cure boils, ..
People who have just had their teeth removed should not eat spinach for 1-2 weeks because spinach easily creates stains on teeth because the oxalic acid in spinach is insoluble in water.
People with kidney stones should not eat spinach because spinach contains a lot of purines. Organic compounds that enter the body will turn into uric acid, increasing the risk of developing kidney stones. The oxalic acid in spinach increases calcium oxalate levels in the urine, leading to the development of kidney stones.
People with stomach pain should not eat a lot of spinach because the high fiber content in spinach can cause stomach discomfort when eaten in large quantities.
People who are suffering from diarrhea should not eat it, although Malabar spinach can help laxatives and improve constipation, but eating too much Malabar spinach can lead to diarrhea.
Water spinach is a familiar vegetable to all housewives. Because water spinach is so popular, many people who grow vegetables for economic purposes use growth stimulants to make them grow faster, which will be harmful to the health of users. To keep clean spinach to serve your family's daily needs, you should grow your own spinach in the extremely simple way below
Step 1: Soak and ferment spinach seeds
Soak spinach seeds in warm water at about 30 - 40°C for 3 - 6 hours, then take out the seeds, rinse with clean water and incubate in a damp towel at a temperature of 25 - 30°C for 6 - 10 hours. . Before sowing the seeds, you need to check to see if the seeds have germinated. If the seeds have germinated, drain the water before sowing.
Step 2: Sow spinach seeds
Take soft, loose, clean, nutritious soil and pour it into a Styrofoam box. Water and mix well to increase soil moisture, then level and make rows to a depth of about 0.5cm.
Sow vegetable seeds on the incised row, then cover with a thin layer of clean soil, and spray a little water on the ground to moisten the soil. During the first week, increase watering twice a day, morning and evening, and cover with dry grass straw on top. When you see the plant sprouting, move it to a place with light so it can grow better.
Vegetable harvest time depends on temperature, water and care conditions, but usually the harvest time for spinach is within 4-6 weeks after sowing. When the spinach is about 30 - 40cm tall, cut it horizontally 3cm from the base of the plant so that the spinach can continue to grow more seedlings.
Effects of water spinach on health: Water spinach is quite cheap, easy to find and contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health, so it is often recommended to be used in daily meals. Specific and outstanding uses of vegetables for the body include: helping to reduce cholesterol. Water spinach is known to be a suitable choice for those who want to control weight and limit its increase. cholesterol concentration


good OBCfood

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