Every day we use snails as food to prepare delicious dishes. Besides, snails are also used as medicine. We use snails as food to prepare delicious dishes. Besides, snails are also used as medicine. Snail - According to the concept of traditional medicine, snail meat has a sweet taste, the main ingredients are protein, fat, carbide hydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B2, PP, A... Oriental medicine uses Boiled snails can be used to treat jaundice, edema, liver disease, hemorrhoids, etc. Snails can be processed into many healthy dishes.​

Post date: 15-01-2024

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Here are some nutritious dishes from snails:
- Snails steamed with ginger leaves: Snail meat is carefully minced, mixed with raw sausage, rolled in a ring of young ginger leaves, stuffed into snail shells, steamed. The combination of the cooling properties of snails and the hot properties of ginger helps maintain balance in the body, replenishes many nutrients, and enhances long-term health.


Snail soup with wine leaves: 500g apple snail, 100g wine leaves. Put in pot and cook with chili and sour star fruit. Season to taste. This snail dish is a remedy to help restore health quickly and clear blood.


Snails cooked with imitation tortoise: Cook like snails with pork belly, green bananas, grilled tofu, add perilla... It has the effect of warming the body, nourishing the blood, nourishing the yin, benefiting the taste, clearing the air, and curing depression. physical weakness.
Banana snail: 1kg snail, 300g pork belly, 100g sour batch. 300g fried beans, 300g young banana, turmeric (pounded, squeezed), star fruit, mint, onions, garlic, spices just enough. Soak the snails until all the slime is gone, wash them, scoop out the heads, and remove the intestines. Thinly sliced pork, marinated snails and meat with sour rice and turmeric water. Peel the mint, slice it, and squeeze in salt. Slice the banana tubers thinly and soak them in water to remove the sap. Saute onion, garlic with cooking oil, add marinated snail meat and stir-fry. Add mint, pork belly and a little broth and cook until tender. Finally, add fried beans and mix well, season to taste. This dish has the effect of detoxifying, supporting the treatment of diabetes (reducing the feeling of thirst and hunger), eliminating hypothermia,...



- Snails under fire: Snails cooked in water; Crush the lemongrass and mix the spices, pour the spice mixture into the snail's mouth, and shallowly grill it on a charcoal stove, helping the snail taste crispy, fragrant, and nutritious.
- Snails stir-fried with wine: Snails can be stir-fried with star fruit, wine, dipped in soy sauce mixed with chopped ginger and MSG. Snail juice mixed with wine can be poured into a cup to drink with snacks. This snail dish has beneficial effects on the kidneys, virility, heat clearing, and diuretic.


- Snail rolls: Boil snails, open the mouth, stir-fry with pepper, ginger, MSG, wood ear mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms and pork meat, let cool and wrap in an iron mold lined with banana leaves. The tighter the snail sausage is compressed, the tastier it is. After boiling the sausage, remove the iron mold and bundle the sausage with 8 bamboo sticks tightly.
Ancient people used snail rolls to treat jaundice, nervous weakness, insufficient blood circulation, edema, lymphadenopathy...


Note: OBCfood - please share
People with damaged spleen and stomach (stomach pain, ulcers), long-term digestive disorders, people with ulcers on the skin that have not yet healed... should abstain or limit eating snails. Snails should only be eaten when fully cooked. Absolutely do not eat raw or squeeze lemon juice.

good OBCfood

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